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  • Maybe you are not acquainted with blogs. If it's your first visit, welcome to "Easy As Pie" ! I'm this blog's webmaster and try to keep it alive by publishing articles on various topics. These articles are either written by students or aimed at them. But of course we hope they will also be a moment...


  • Can you guess what this title refers to? THE ANSWER IS: ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON ! To help you, here are a few clues: What did the clues mean? Please leave a comment to give your answer ! To do so, click on "_ comment".


  • ...contemporary art. http://www.moreeuw.com/histoire-art/experience-pommery-8.htm http://www.culture.fr/fr/sections/une/articles/experience-pommery-8-nos   Go and visit this exhibition, and then send us your impressions to this address: easyaspiechagall@yahoo.fr The best texts will get published here!