At Marc Chagall High School there is a place where you can work quietly, read magazines, newspapers, novels, comics, poetry..., borrow books, browse on the internet to find useful information. The list of what you can do there is definitely to long to be completed here. But if you need to ask any question address Violaine Azema or Alain Dulac, our two helpful librarians.

    A website has recently been created. It is welcoming, clear. It's easy to find whatever you're looking for. I've put a link in the right-hand-side column of this blog, but click HERE and you'll discover it too.

    Not only does Violaine keeps the site updated but she has also created a "prezumé" of Easy As Pie, and I can't resist the urge to publish it here. A little ad is not superfluous when it comes to improve one's English!

    « Who said comics were for kids ?We have friends in Washington Lee High School ! »

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  • Comments

    TheLibrarian TheLibrarian profile
    Monday 1st July 2013 at 23:50

    Thank you so much for all the nice comments  You made my day!!! Libraries in general are wonderful places I guess. I'm glad people like Chagall's. 

    Friday 13rd September 2013 at 20:13

    Sooooo great! Well-done!

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